Company logo
«Forest Pier»

A terrace that hosts parties with the best dance music.
We are lost somewhere in the woods, but we found ourselves instead. We are disconnected from the world, but we are united with each other. We don't know what country or what continent we are in, so we have no government or laws, poor or rich. But we do have a charter whose basic precepts say: love your neighbor, smile and dance. We are free to do what we want, as long as it doesn't interfere with whoever is around, for what happened on Forest Quay stays on Forest Quay. We don't remember what happened yesterday, but we know what will happen tomorrow. We are all professionals, only we have already forgotten what it is. We don't pursue any goal - we pursue music and each other. Forest Quay has become our summer retreat and home. Welcome to our lost board!

Create logo

Release date: June 25, 2021

Attempts spent: 109

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    How to create your own logo?

    Simply enter your company name, describe your vision, and explore hundreds of unique logo designs generated by Ironov. Choose your favorite, make adjustments, and download your logo package.

    How to design a unique logo?

    Describe your vision and industry-specific elements, and let Ironov generate hundreds of unique designs. Customize your chosen design to ensure it stands out and represents your brand perfectly.

    What is the golden rule of logo design?

    The golden rule of logo design is simplicity. A simple logo is easily recognizable, memorable, and versatile, ensuring it works well across all media and sizes. With Ironov, you can create clean and effective designs that adhere to this principle.

    How do I get an idea for my logo?

    Start by considering your brand’s core values, target audience, and industry. Think about the emotions and messages you want to convey. Use Ironov to explore hundreds of logo designs and get inspired by the diverse styles and concepts. Customize the elements that resonate with your brand to create a unique and meaningful logo.